Keys to the Kingdom. Keys to walking into our Promised Land of an Abundant Life.
Key #1 (Ephesians 2:4-6; James 4:7)
We must understand that we have authority in Christ over the works of the devil.
Key #2 (Proverbs 4:20-22; I Peter 2:24)
We have to develop a vision of ourselves already having posession of our promises by meditating in what scripture from God's Word tells us about those promises.
Key #3 (2 Cor.10:4-5; Prov. 18:21)
Casting down thoughts about ourselves and our situation that are contrary to God's Word by confessing what God's Word says about us.
Key #4 (Mark 11:25)
We need to walk in love by praying and speaking blessings upon those who have offended or hurt us.
Key #5 (Luke 6:38; 2 Cor. 9:6-8)
We must sowing financial seed to receive a financial harvest.
Key #6 (Jude 20)
By praying in the Holy Ghost in our prayer closet, we build ourselves up spiritually in the Lord.
Key #7 (Romans 8:14)
We can be led in every day decisions by the inner witness of the Holy Ghost on the inside of our human spirit.
Key #8 (Psalm 103:20)
We can dispatch our angels to work for us and bring things to us that we need by speaking what the Word of God says concerning our circumstances.
Key #9 (Matt 6:33; I Thess 5:23)
Seeking the kingdom and putting our spirit man first every day by reading the Word of God and fellowshiping with Him.